
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Okay, I relent to you, strange Middie desires! I had this girl open in an eBay tab for a week before biting the bullet. She was on cheapy-cheap sale, comparatively speaking, and I had a spike of Etsy sales these past couple of weeks -- is it holiday shopping time, or what??

Eee, I'm weirdly nervous! I haven't bought a Blythe in nearly a year (I last adopted Drew at the beginning of January) and have been really quite happy and satisfied with all of my family regardless of crushes on Saffy, Cousin Olivia -- see, I love the blondes! -- Bubble Boom and Thumpty Thump, et cetera. I still crave a pink-haired girl... but there's no rush.

Happy Thanksgiving, Americans!  Things I'm grateful for this year:

  • my little sisters, who are awesome
  • my guitar, Little Ghosty Boo, for I love it so
  • my anti-anxiety medication, without which I would probably go crazy!


  1. I love your blog, Jane, I truly do! :) I can't put my finger on it, but from some reason I just LOVE reading what you write. i'm pretty sure that even if you wrote about the most boring topic on Earth, I would still be reading it. At least twice. :D I really don't know what it is about your writing that I love so much, but I do.
    Oh, and I just adore those tiny lists of yours. They are like a fun little dessert at the end of the post :)
    xoxo, Efrat

  2. Awww! You are the sweetest, Efrat! I really appreciate it! Thank you so much.
