queen - bicycle race.mp4

Sunday, April 30, 2023

I haven't felt much like posting the last couple of months. It's been a busy season of life. My birthday is creeping ever-closer and that always tends to bring on a little depression cloud. But this year happens to be my 40th birthday! And that is just too weird. It doesn't feel accurate. I feel 28, tops. (At the same time I feel like I'm 86.) So I have been dragging around like the Grim Reaper's breathing down my neck.

I decided this year I would like to get a bike for my birthday. I've been feeling like I want to get more vitamin D and be out and about, yet not be around people, so cruising around on a bike has seemed more and more appealing to me. The weather's been incredible; springy and damp and cool. That's made my yen even greater, and I have been scared that by the time my birthday actually rolls around, it will be too warm to want to be outside. So I have jumped the gun and gotten one a week early: this Huffy cruiser with 26" wheels.

It's a chromey maroon color (Alexa, play "Maroon" by Taylor Swift) and has a low-key bee theme? With hexagons on the seats and cup holder (!). I must acquire a water bottle or something that fits in the cup holder!!

I've already slammed the seat down to the lowest possible setting and taken it around my neighborhood. It really cruises along on a level street. But the second there's an incline that lasts more than a few seconds, my thighs are like, "Nope."

(I have not ridden a bike since I was perhaps, at the latest, 12.)

I'm fantasizing about 9 am cruises around my block, before it's blazing hot out, and I'm fantasizing about increasing my ability to pedal uphill.

Thighs of steel. Heart of a champion.

edit: Have I wiped out on the bike already? Yes, I have lost balance and bashed the heck outta my right knee.

My cat's very scared of the bike so far, so I've made sure to sit still on it so he can know I am in control of it. He's coming around. (Side note that my cat walks right up to cars and tries to get into them.)

Anyway, y'all, I've been hand-sewing a lot and I want to post about that soon. I've also been window-shopping relentlessly for Winny, who needs more mod/flower power-y clothes than I have in my collection. I do intend to eventually make dressup videos for both Zasha and Winny!

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