figurine display case!!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

A while ago I posted about various cute tchotchkies that I will not be collecting, thank you very much. In that post I also talked about things I am allowing myself to collect. Amongst the things mentioned: little figurines of Litten! I was gifted three of the small figurines I currently have. Circa Christmas I found myself motivated to expand my collection and bought three more! One of them, of course, turned out to be way bigger than the other little 1"-2" figurines. But the other two are the size I wish to collect. And really, I have room in my heart for just about any Litten.

These figurines have been living on a floating shelf in my room, but as I attained more of them, I began to run out of room on my tchotchkies shelf and found myself drawn to a certain display case I saw on Pinterest and my brain was quickly eaten by Cute Storage Display Case worms.

Ahhh! I seriously got an absurd amount of pleasure from the idea of attaining one of these cases and filling it over time with Litten figurines. I would say this concept intrigued and thrilled me for nearly the whole of January. Distracted me, too, as I looked around everywhere at reviews and slightly different listings for what is probably the exact same plastic product with different brand names slapped on the listing title. I ended up finally going with a pink case... in reality the pink is very muted browny-rosy. But I thought the Littens would look cutest in it!

(Here's the whole gang!!! The biggest plush has been wearing one of my Blythe berets for months now. Clearly a Flamiaou.)

My review of this display case is: It feels very breakable, to the point where I'm not sure I want to try mounting it to my wall with the provided sticker. I can just see it falling down in the middle of the night and giving me the scare of my freakin' life when it shatters. The enclosure of the clear door is magnetized, and it's really such a strong magnet that whenever I shut the door, it rattles the case and my figurines fall over inside. They did come with little sticky things to put on the bottom of figurines so they won't move around, but as my collection is in flux, I don't want to use them yet. I want things to be easy to rearrange.

However, I will say, the act of placing of the figurines inside and imagining it full of Littens gives me so much serotonin, it's ridiculous. And my room is dusty, so I'm happy to protect my little Littens from that dust.

Five-ish (perhaps six) figurines of this size would fit comfortably per shelf, so I have room to expand! But right now I'm also keeping my modest Stitch figurine collection in it.

The Stitch figurine collection started just three years ago, when my little sister put one of the figurines (the pink innertube one) in my stocking for Christmas. She knows I love Lilo & Stitch, and I felt so loved and so seen! Later on I saw one of the figurines in the same particular series at Five Below, for $1, and I bought it right away. I asked her for another figurine that Christmas! Since then, every Christmas she's given me Stitch figurines in my stocking. I wanted to complete the collection in terms of this set. For a while I couldn't find any from this series at Five Below any longer. But miraculously I found one just after Christmas, and I dug through the whole box of random discount figures until I found the one I was still missing!! I was so stoked to be able to complete collecting the set I wanted. It's just five cheap figurines -- they each cost $1 -- but it took me three years to get them all!

Completing my in-progress Stitch figurine collection was really what motivated me to actually begin to seek out more Litten figurines on eBay. This is more scattered a task. There's no "set" or "series" to collect in terms of Litten -- the figurines are all from random places, produced at random times. From gachapon machines to bigger playsets to Re-Ment to figures that came inside chocolate eggs. There are some I can likely never attain and they don't all match up perfectly in terms of scale. That takes the "gotta catch 'em ALL" factor out of the idea of collecting them, which is a welcome thing for me. Completion isn't really the point with this collection. It's just my sheer Litten love. My excitement at seeing all these disparate figurines attained one by one all lined up together.

This is sort of inspring me to make a page for each of my collections that could be available via the dropdown menu on my blog, the way the "Blythe family" page is. Sounds satisfying but also like a lot of work. We'll see!!!

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finally, a girl i can drink with

Monday, January 27, 2025

Today's cause for happiness: my new (old) girl has arrived! This is Olive, an EBL Tea For Two originally released in March 2003, and I adopted her from Amber, aka amberblythelife on Instagram. Amber has quite the collection and posts beautiful, varied, colorful Blythe photos! Olive was given her name by Amber. I'm keeping it because I think it suits this girl really well. It calls to mind her green stock! All of which she came with, in her original box! Most of it's still taped to the cardboard, too, NRFB!!! Amazing!

She's in perfect condition. More than perfect! Not a dang scratch on her, and her hair is lovely!

This box was so fun to open, not only because she was beautifully packed with several additional outfits that Amber sent along with her, but because all these little flowers had been sprinkled amongst the packaging. I wanted to remember that fun detail by taking Olive's first portraits with them.

She was also fun to unbox because I did it with my mom! So I did not film it. I was sort of intending to, but when I picked up the package, my mom asked, "Can I see her?" and I opted for the experience of opening her up with my mom instead.

Tea For Two is my very first EBL (!) and definitely the oldest release in my collection, by many years. (Simply Peppermint is technically the oldest girl I have and she's from 2009, released before Ice Rune who was my first ever Blythe.) I haven't actually seen any of the earliest face molds in person until TODAY! All of my girls are RBLs (or RBL variants) or FBLs! So to me, the difference in appearance is very striking and fascinating. The lashes on this girl are super light and delicate compared to the typical eyelashes we see on later releases. It gives her such a waif-y look! I love it! But very immediately, while taking her picture, I was like, "Wow, I don't know how to photograph this face mold." I'll have to learn!

I have been thinking about getting this particular girl, Tea For Two, for literally years now. I know I've talked to my friend L about it several times! In fact, I found instances of her name in our chat logs as far back as 2021.

As you can see, I decided in favor of other dolls almost every time I had the Blythe Gimmes (TM Lucy)! I bought Zyanya Remembers and Aurella Amphitrite instead -- and of course L was the one who gifted me Shelley Victorian, another girl I had wanted for years!! So when Amber put Olive up for adoption I asked for her right away. I felt like it was finally time to scoop this girl!

And aren't these pics of her from Amber's Instagram super cute??? I love the red-orange on her.

As of right now I have twenty Neo Blythes, and -- wow. That's crazy to me. I never would have imagined it even just a couple of years ago. I had a static collection of thirteen girls for a number of years. My family expanded by a lot in 2023, to nineteen, and I have wondered since if I should cap my Neo collection at twenty. But I must admit, I don't think I will. I am fifteen or so years into enjoying Blythe as a hobby and I still get so much enjoyment out of it. I do get the occasional rash of Blythe Gimmes but for the most part I think I approach the hobby with temperance. Especially since I overwhelmingly favor keeping the dolls I buy long-term.

To end the post: My cat would NOT leave Olive alone and almost every picture I took, he got in. He absolutely had to sit down on this backdrop and sniff her and purr like a chainsaw, no matter how much I kept trying to push him off, shoo him, distract him. Yet he had the nerve to refuse to look at my camera?!

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leaning into it

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The other day I mentioned indulging hyperfixations as a means of staying afloat in Times Like These. Not that I think one needs a reason (especially not a dire reason) to indulge a hyperfixation. It just, I have to say, has been such a lifesaver for me of late, and I am embracing it.

Litten, the Pokemon, is a weird accidental hyperfixation I developed last year. Like, this was not a choice I made, hahah. I don't know how better to state this, but my brain feels... sparkly when I see Litten? Like I can literally feel neurotransmitters shooting around in my skull. Sometimes I tingle. Sometimes I want to cry... out of love. Again, I need to express: I didn't randomly decide, "Oh, I think I'll get really into this random Pokemon all of a sudden. This will be my new obsession." I have no idea why this was my brain's response to this Pokemon. It isn't even the cutest Pokemon, imo. And I have enjoyed Pokemon in general, as a franchise, for many years without ever experiencing this type of big emotional response, either to the franchise as a whole or to a singular specific 'mon. This from a person who has a Top 5 Favorite Pokemon list. Even from my perspective it is bizarre to feel this strongly about a Pokemon.

I get a lot of really good brain tinglies and happiness from it, so I'm personally not mad at it. But I do recognize that it is confounding from the outside. I also find it inexplicable, and understand if it seems bizarre or irritating.

Anyway, for my birthday last year, my bestie basically gifted me a whole-ass Litten collection! I posted about it here (and I am going to post even more about it soon)! She gifted me several plush Littens and three tiny figurines. As I noted in that post, I thought it'd be fun to collect more of the figurines.

The figurines need their own post, and believe you me I am looking forward to that post SO MUCH! It's in the chamber!

However, in the meantime: the Litten figurine pictured here with Trainer Fidelia surprised me when I received it in the mail the other day. It's a McDonald's toy and three times the size of my other tiny figurines! I couldn't tell from the eBay listing that it would be so much larger. It doesn't fit in with the rest of the figures in my modest yet thrilling-to-me collection... literally. I doubt it will fit in the display I'm planning.

But I thought, while it's too big for my display, it is actually quite properly sized for a Blythe!!

"Litten! Use Ember!"

Litten used Ember! It's super effective!

It came with a plastic bit of "fire" (since Litten, a fire type, can breathe fire as one of its moves) that clicks into its gaping rectangular maw.

Fidelia and Litten have matching hair! Fur! Whatever! Litten's red-orange face and markings can sometimes lean more red or more orange, depending on the particular plush or particular screengrab. But I thought pairing Fidelia and Litten would be perfect! Sometimes trainers really match their Pokemon!

For Fidelia's trainer lewk, I was inspired by the character of Misty and the way her ponytail sticks up, but also by a sort of athletic look. I used Wendy Weekender's star-studded ponytail holder on one of Deely's pigtails. (I wish I'd adjusted them so they could be seen more clearly here.) I wanted her hair to kind of stick out in a Misty-ish fashion!

She's wearing cropped black leggings I got second-hand on one of the forums, either Blythe Kingdom or Plastic Paradise, back in the absolute day of 2010. She's also wearing a ringer tee with black and white striped sleeves, but you can't really see it because she's got on Sporty Lover Finesse's windbreaker. She's also wearing SLF's sneakers -- which are good, but I hardly ever use them. With the white top and black pants, it's an outfit very resminiscent of SLF's stock. That was accidental!! The windbreaker was a last-minute addition. But really, said windbreaker looks cute with Fidelia's hair, imo.

If I could change anything about this outfit to make it look more trainer-esque, I'd sew red patches onto the knees of the leggings. I think red sneakers would also be really good.

I think another cute trainer-ish outfit would be a pair of overalls and Simply Mango's stock stripey tee. It'd be so fun to do a whole post of trainer-inspired outfits. I'm also currently wondering if they make 1/12 size Poke Balls...

(They do. I will buy some next month, haha.)

Final note on these pictures: Between you and me, I photoshopped Litten's mouth in the first picture so it wouldn't be an empty square, but one of his typical mouth shapes. Not a big smiler, is Litten.

Okay, so, this delighted me beyond all good sense. I have more to share about my figurine collecting, and will do so soon.

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