Nostalgic Christmas: Andy Williams

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Even though I didn't grow up watching them, I adore the bits of the Andy Williams Christmas specials that I've seen on DVD. It's so cheesy, but at the same time, so happy, so colorful, so stylized. And come on. It's Andy Williams.

The best bits, though, are when the Osmonds came on the show!!

My mom and I like this crazy number where they're doing intense synchronized skating... I mean, wow! Even if they're lip-syncing to a recording and it's edited together, in my mind it's still quite the feat for people who are not trained skaters to skate so... together. Olympic pair teams have trouble with that.

Absolutely adorable! AND SO KITSCHY!


  1. There's nothing quite like a bit of kitsch at Christmas - I'm starting to think it's what it was 'made' for! In recent years I've gone in for 'nostalgic' seasonal music - somehow it really gets me in the holiday spirit :D Happy holidays to you and your girls :)

  2. I totally agree! If you can't be kitschy at Christmastime, WHEN CAN YOU BE?? Older Christmas music is my go-to, especially if it's quirky! Happy holidays, Beka!!
