I'll consider this my spring cleaning!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

It had not been April first for an hour yet when my computer died! I spent many days cut off from "civilization," or at least, my typical habits: working, writing, stalking Rachel's Ribbon on eBay... you know, daily activities. I watched three seasons of Gilmore Girls and crocheted a lot on my ripple. I also made three Middie hats just because I had some spare yarn and Bonnet was chilling with me. I played on my guitar. I pondered doing things by candlelight just to further the blackout feeling. It's scary to realize how dependent on technology we truly are these days!

Luckily, I'm back in business on a new machine now! I was fortunate enough to have a backup of all the things I consider important to me and was able to save some frivolous things, too, but otherwise, I'm starting fresh. Is it just me, or is it fun to download fonts? You know what, I'm going to clean my desk so it will go with my clean hard drive!

I've been listening to Sucré non-stop as I install programs! So dreamy. Listen, listen!


  1. Hi Jane, I am so glad I asked you if you had a blog, I have had so much fun reading all your posts...am now following and will add you to my regular reading list.

  2. Hi Jane, So nice to meet you. I popped over from Sandi's blog. I love the little dress your blythe is wearing made by talented Sandi.
    Sounds like you are back up and running. I hate to have techno problems too. Your blog is lovely and I have enjoyed my visit.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs from Texas,
    Celestina Marie
    Celestina Marie Design
