conquest of cute, part 3

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I found these at Target at the beginning of the year! They're all the same size (8.5 inches x 6.5 inches, 4 deep), and I find the size ideal for some of the stuff that won't fit in smaller boxes.

The translucent pink chevron ones were with the kids' stuff, meant for little girls' rooms, and the floral with the "RE-style" stuff that I assume is meant for teens and/or dorm rooms. They had a whole mess of stuff with that same floral pattern and teal-ish color scheme. The lids are a pretty blue-green, only a bit bluer than the shade of my bedroom walls, so they go in my space very well. I love florals, so I actually got three of those! They were the last ones on the shelf, too.

Something I like about the floral boxes is that the print on them makes them opaque, so you can hide your gold doubloons (or whatever!) in them. I'm currently keeping various guitar accoutrements (my tuner, some picks, a wire cutter, boxes of strings, my ukulele pitch pipe, that kind of thing) in one of the chevron boxes, and you can definitely see what's inside it, so it does detract from the cute a little bit. Seeing through the boxes can be good or bad, depending on your storage needs!

They were $4 each, so in all, I got five of these beauts for $20. I'm really happy with them.

In all, my collection of plastic storage is growing ever-cuter. How satisfying!

There will be, yes, one more Cute Storage Post!

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