["Britney Spears - Oops!... I Did It Again" plays in the background]

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Happy December! This is the last post I have about my little Ever After/Monster High painting adventures!

Here's the regal Apple White; it's an official picture, not mine, so she looks pretty well-coiffed. I included it so you could see the plain crown in comparison with the repaint.

First I gave her crown some depth by painting bronze on the inside portions. Then my friend washed some very very light pearly white over the pearly bits -- anyway, I assume those bits are supposed to be pearls, but it's not like I'm intimately familiar with crowns. I didn't want to paint them straight-up pearly, so my friend just did a really thinned-down little coat to make them catch the light a little more and help exaggerate the difference between the golds.

I painted her little apple darker red, thinking ideally it would look like a ruby or something, then glazed over it with a shimmery red. It makes it stand out from the bright reds on the rest of her outfit, but it doesn't clash too badly. (Also, to give you an idea of the depth of cool and expertise of my friend's MLP-customizing girlfriend, she suggested sawing off the apple entirely and literally replacing it with a red jewel...!)

I did some painting on Apple's shoes as well. All you need to know is that they were solid red, aside from the gold straps with their gold bows. I added some gold paint to the leaf shape on the outside of the shoes, as well as the outside of the stems. (I didn't to the inside of the stems.) There are also beads, or studs more likely, along the sides of the straps, so they got dotted with gold paint, too, and now they stand out! Her heels have this interesting spiral shape happening... maybe it's a vine or something? I really don't know. But it was originally red and I painted it gold as well.

The bows on the straps, while already gold, got a couple of coats of the gold paint I was working with, and now they're more glimmery and light-catching. I don't think you would even notice this particular detail unless you had an unpainted Apple shoe literally right next to one of these. Then your eye would see that the bows are just a little brighter. It's really subtle but I can see the glint of gold from feet away as she stands on my shelf!

Thus ends my little series. I had so much fun repainting and fussing with tiny details with my doll friends! Seriously, it was one of the more enjoyable things I've done this entire year.

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