the ol' b-day list

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Another birthday creeps ever closer. (I can't believe it was almost a year ago that Vesper and Citron arrived!) Although there isn't really much on my birthday wish list I thought I would cobble together a wish list post, just because. It's fun, and I need all the fun I can get. I'm sorta not in a great place these days, and I get birthday depression pretty badly, so I want to try and combat that.

This image would have you believe I'm asking for all this stuff, the only thing I've actually asked for is a ring. I asked this of my little sister, when she asked me what I wanted for my birthday; I trust her taste so I just told her to pick whatever she wants. These are just a few from Etsy, not any particular rings I actually asked for.

I haven't asked anyone for anything else -- let alone a Litten plush! Litten is a Pokemon, for those who might not know, and it is my hyperfixation right now, and one of my only sources of serotonin, haha. But it's from an older generation of Pokemon at this point, and so it's hard to find Litten stuff now! Still, I might buy myself a plush as my birthday extravagance.

Otherwise, hand-sewing drawstring dresses has been my most reliable pastime lately, and I've already bought myself too much fabric and ribbon. So I have gifted myself this already! Still, I wouldn't say no to even more fabric. I need so little of it, yardage-wise, that if I play my cards right and there's a sale or whatever, it can be very cheap to buy just a foot or so of fabric. A dollar and change! And then I can make wee drawstring dresses.

This list is nearly non-existent, but honestly, I don't need anything. My best friend has offered to watch the Jane-est of stuff with me on my birthday -- she told me to "swing for the fences" and offered to watch both Power Rangers and Pokemon, like a maniac -- so I'm looking forward to that. I'm also looking forward to sending some of the dresses I've made to said bestie.

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