belated Valentines

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I just got a belated Valentine's Day package from my friend L (hay gurl) that had these loooovely Valentiney-feeling dresses for my girls in it!

So sweet! I've really been eyeballing that plummy one with the tweedy jacket (I just love tweed on a Blythe doll, it's so unexpected) for a while, too! THANK YOU, L!

Today Aury is wearing the little pink dress. It's kind of country girl, kind of shabby chic, kind of Lolita -- perfect! It goes so well with her pink eyes and tidy white boots!

(As you can see, the lightbox has a tidy sky background now. I'm still dinking with it -- here she's lit only by the natural light coming in through my sister's window.)

In new doll news, USPS tells me she just left New York yesterday. Wow! She's pretty much taking the whole month to get here. The person I bought her from shipped her out very quickly, but the shipping itself is going sooo slowly. I don't exactly mind, but she's just got to wear this plummy dress soon!

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