day out; new clothes

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The other day I took Aury out and about for the first time!

I had my friend J with me, and he really didn't want me to bring her into the restaurant where we grabbed breakfast. He didn't want people to stare at him, understandably. I didn't want to get Aury syrupy or anything either, so she waited patiently in the car.

After that, we checked out an antique store, where a kind old woman asked me what my doll's name was and, after a demonstration of the magic Blythe eyes, asked if I wanted to sell her (!!) to Maurice (!!?). "No, she's mine," I quickly said. The horror! I did ask her if it was okay to take pictures in the store, though, and she said I could feel free. Aury and I saw this cool old blue vinyl Ken doll box:

It was pretty cold out. Aury decided to sit on J's arm.

(This masterpiece's title: "Best Friends Forever")

By the end of the day, she and J were thick as thieves, believe you me.

The next day, some tights I ordered from Shopoholican arrived. I've been waiting for them eagerly so I could change Aury's clothes without worrying too much about staining her legs.

They're so cute! The blue and pink ones are very, very delicate, but they go great with the SugarMag outfit I got from This Is Blythe and the cute boots from eBay!


1 comment

  1. Wow she's so cute and I'm loving the decals on her top..
