leaning into it

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The other day I mentioned indulging hyperfixations as a means of staying afloat in Times Like These. Not that I think one needs a reason (especially not a dire reason) to indulge a hyperfixation. It just, I have to say, has been such a lifesaver for me of late, and I am embracing it.

Litten, the Pokemon, is a weird accidental hyperfixation I developed last year. Like, this was not a choice I made, hahah. I don't know how better to state this, but my brain feels... sparkly when I see Litten? Like I can literally feel neurotransmitters shooting around in my skull. Sometimes I tingle. Sometimes I want to cry... out of love. Again, I need to express: I didn't randomly decide, "Oh, I think I'll get really into this random Pokemon all of a sudden. This will be my new obsession." I have no idea why this was my brain's response to this Pokemon. It isn't even the cutest Pokemon, imo. And I have enjoyed Pokemon in general, as a franchise, for many years without ever experiencing this type of big emotional response, either to the franchise as a whole or to a singular specific 'mon. This from a person who has a Top 5 Favorite Pokemon list. Even from my perspective it is bizarre to feel this strongly about a Pokemon.

I get a lot of really good brain tinglies and happiness from it, so I'm personally not mad at it. But I do recognize that it is confounding from the outside. I also find it inexplicable, and understand if it seems bizarre or irritating.

Anyway, for my birthday last year, my bestie basically gifted me a whole-ass Litten collection! I posted about it here (and I am going to post even more about it soon)! She gifted me several plush Littens and three tiny figurines. As I noted in that post, I thought it'd be fun to collect more of the figurines.

The figurines need their own post, and believe you me I am looking forward to that post SO MUCH! It's in the chamber!

However, in the meantime: the Litten figurine pictured here with Trainer Fidelia surprised me when I received it in the mail the other day. It's a McDonald's toy and three times the size of my other tiny figurines! I couldn't tell from the eBay listing that it would be so much larger. It doesn't fit in with the rest of the figures in my modest yet thrilling-to-me collection... literally. I doubt it will fit in the display I'm planning.

But I thought, while it's too big for my display, it is actually quite properly sized for a Blythe!!

"Litten! Use Ember!"

Litten used Ember! It's super effective!

It came with a plastic bit of "fire" (since Litten, a fire type, can breathe fire as one of its moves) that clicks into its gaping rectangular maw.

Fidelia and Litten have matching hair! Fur! Whatever! Litten's red-orange face and markings can sometimes lean more red or more orange, depending on the particular plush or particular screengrab. But I thought pairing Fidelia and Litten would be perfect! Sometimes trainers really match their Pokemon!

For Fidelia's trainer lewk, I was inspired by the character of Misty and the way her ponytail sticks up, but also by a sort of athletic look. I used Wendy Weekender's star-studded ponytail holder on one of Deely's pigtails. (I wish I'd adjusted them so they could be seen more clearly here.) I wanted her hair to kind of stick out in a Misty-ish fashion!

She's wearing cropped black leggings I got second-hand on one of the forums, either Blythe Kingdom or Plastic Paradise, back in the absolute day of 2010. She's also wearing a ringer tee with black and white striped sleeves, but you can't really see it because she's got on Sporty Lover Finesse's windbreaker. She's also wearing SLF's sneakers -- which are good, but I hardly ever use them. With the white top and black pants, it's an outfit very resminiscent of SLF's stock. That was accidental!! The windbreaker was a last-minute addition. But really, said windbreaker looks cute with Fidelia's hair, imo.

If I could change anything about this outfit to make it look more trainer-esque, I'd sew red patches onto the knees of the leggings. I think red sneakers would also be really good.

I think another cute trainer-ish outfit would be a pair of overalls and Simply Mango's stock stripey tee. It'd be so fun to do a whole post of trainer-inspired outfits. I'm also currently wondering if they make 1/12 size Poke Balls...

(They do. I will buy some next month, haha.)

Final note on these pictures: Between you and me, I photoshopped Litten's mouth in the first picture so it wouldn't be an empty square, but one of his typical mouth shapes. Not a big smiler, is Litten.

Okay, so, this delighted me beyond all good sense. I have more to share about my figurine collecting, and will do so soon.

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